Ngak’chang Rinpoche, 1983

Ngak’chang Rinpoche


This photograph shows Ngak’chang Rinpoche in the bedroom of his flat in Roath, Cardiff in 1983. This room was decorated in the style of a Nyingma gompa and featured in an article in the Observer magazine. There are now a number of such rooms in the homes of many Aro Lineage practitioners in many parts of the world.

Ngala Nor’dzin lived in a flat next door for a while and used to visit Ngak’chang Rinpoche to practice tsog khor’lo. It was also at this time that Ngala Nor’dzin and Ngala ’ö-Dzin were courting, and Ngak’chang Rinpoche used to tease Ngala Nor’dzin when he noticed Ngala ’ö-Dzin leaving her flat for work in the morning.