Ögyen Tsokyé Dorje Chang

Ögyen Tsokyé Dorje Chang

The Eight Names of the Lama: The Primordial Buddha manifestation

Ögyen Tsokyé Dorje Chang (bLa ma mTsho sKye rDo rJe chang) is the manifestation who displays the wisdom of the sambhogakaya (longs sKu). Dorje Chang – the ‘Holder of the Vajra’ is the name of the Primordial Buddha according to Mahamudra expression, and here Padmakara manifests the totality of the visionary sphere. He is in union with Mandarava – he is the ‘lake-born vajra’ from Ögyen (Udhiyana). Udhiyana (in the language of Udhiyana) means ‘going by flight’ which carries the sense in which instantaneous realisation is all that is possible at a certain stage. One way is to take a gradual approach, but at a certain point one has no choice but to ‘go by flight’. One has to leap naked into expansiveness.