Khyungchen Aro Lingma

Aro gTér Lineage

The Aro gTér is a stream of Vajrayana Buddhism in which ordination is congruous with romance, marriage, and family life. It focuses on the teaching and practice of the Inner Tantras from the point of view of Dzogchen, an essential non-dual teaching.

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Recent Additions

Niguma – attained rainbow body and received transmission 
directly from long-ku (Sambhogakaya) through the visionary appearance of Dorje Chang.

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Niguma – attained rainbow body and received transmission directly from long-ku (Sambhogakaya) through the visionary appearance of Dorje Chang.
deu eng

Featured Article

Vajra Meister und Meisterinnen – mögen zornvoll erscheinen, aber ihr „Zorn“ ist niemals mürrisch, reizbar, unwirsch, launisch, oder auf aggressive Weise ungeduldig.
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