Ngakma Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo and ngak’phang shawl

Ngakma Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo and ngak’phang shawl

sNgags ma shar ’grol du nyams dBang mo

Ngakma Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo manifests the beauty and wisdom of realised femininity. She embodies the Buddhadharma in the gracious form of a woman during a time when women are searching for their inner creative expression, and men are searching for their inner feminine wisdom.

An an ordained member of the go kar chang lo’i de (gos dKar lCang lo’i sDe) of the Nyingma school, Ngakma Shardröl wears the white skirt and flowing uncut hair. (She also wears cowboy boots after the style of one of her own Root Lamas) Ngak’chang Rinpoche). She wears the primary red, white, and blue ngak’phang shawl of the Aro gTér tradition in the West.

Ngakma Shardröl radiates joyful power and relaxed groundedness; spaciousness and authenticity of being. She is at ease – just as she is. Ngakma Shardröl is a unique gift to her students in that she lives the life of a ngakma, and displays the fact that Vajrayana and daily life are synonymous as opportunities for realising our own beginningless enlightenment.